For years, Sauna Zen has been selling float tanks to companies and businesses like professional sports teams, health spas and wellness centers. Our latest version of the Sauna Zen Sensory Deprivation Float Tank can fit through any standard door, works off a standard electrical outlet and is now attractively priced for home use.
Why you should buy your own Float TankHY YOU SHOULD BUY YOUR OWN FLOAT TANK
What makes Sauna Zen sensory deprivation float tanks special is they have been designed specifically for in-home use. Our newly designed float tanks is energy efficient and designed to run on a standard home electrical outlet.
There are two major reasons to buy a float tank for personal, at-home use. The first reason is convenience. When you book a float session at your “local” float therapy center you have to accommodate their schedule and their business hours. You also have to drive to and from the “local” float therapy center. Not only can this take up a chunk of time, dealing with traffic while driving home after a float session is definitely not the best way to maximize the benefits of a float session. Just think, if you owned your own float tank you could enjoy your float session at your convenience and in the comfort of your own home.
The second reason to purchase your own float tank is cleanliness. When you use a float tank at the “local” float therapy center you’ll never know the last time they cleaned the water or the float tank itself. You’ll also have no idea who used it just before your float session. Sensory deprivation is great, but there are some things the senses just can’t ignore.
Obviously, buying a float tank is a commitment. Aside from financial considerations, you need to have the necessary space in your home for it that is accessible to an electrical outlet. For convenience, you may also wish to hire a plumber to hook up your salt tank to your water and drainage system although this is not necessary. The best way to look at this is as an investment in yourself—are you worth investing in a float tank to reduce your stress, gain peace and wellness, and generally enjoy life more?